Should I share my insurance estimate with my roofer?

It is essential to share your insurance claim with your prospective roofing contractor. This information is critical for them to understand the scope of work that your insurance company has approved.

Here are five reasons to share your insurance estimate with your roofing contractor:

  1. Missed Opportunities: Your contractor can help ensure that all covered damage is appropriately addressed and that you receive the full benefit of your insurance policy. Without their involvement, you may miss opportunities for maximizing your insurance coverage. Insurance companies miss coverage items all of the time.

  2. Accuracy and transparency: Sharing the insurance estimate with your contractor ensures that they clearly understand the scope of work and the estimated costs. This promotes transparency and helps both parties work with accurate information, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or disputes.

  3. Quality assurance: Your contractor can use the insurance estimate as a reference point to ensure that the repairs or replacement materials meet the quality and building code standards required by your insurance company. This helps ensure the work is completed to a high standard, often required for insurance claims.

  4. Completing the project for less won’t save you anything: Your deductible still applies - even if you find a contractor who will do the work for less, your out-of-pocket expense will still be what your deductible is.

  5. It prevents you from accidentally committing insurance fraud: If your contractor's estimate is less than the payment from your insurance, you cannot keep the surplus money. All repairs in your insurance claim must be included in your contractor's scope of work. This requirement is why a replacement cost policy requires proof of completion before releasing the final payment for the work.


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