Stop the clogs - seamless versus sectional gutters
Gutters Andrew Sears Gutters Andrew Sears

Stop the clogs - seamless versus sectional gutters

The choice of gutters is pivotal in a property's functionality and aesthetic appeal. As a contractor specializing in storm and insurance restoration, I often encounter questions about the best gutter options. Two popular types are seamless gutters and regular (or sectional) gutters. Understanding their differences and benefits, particularly in durability and maintenance, is crucial for making an informed decision.

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5” or 6” Gutters: Which is Right for Me?
Gutters Andrew Sears Gutters Andrew Sears

5” or 6” Gutters: Which is Right for Me?

Choosing the right gutter size is critical in areas like central Virginia, prone to heavy rainfall and storms. While 5-inch gutters are commonly used on most homes, 6-inch gutters offer significant advantages that homeowners should consider when replacing their gutters.

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