Does hail really damage my shingles?

YES! Hail can damage asphalt shingles in several ways:

1. Impact Damage: Hailstones vary in size and hardness. When large and hard hailstones strike asphalt shingles, they can cause immediate impact damage. This damage may manifest as dents, cracks, or punctures in the shingles.

2. Granule Loss: Hailstones hitting shingles can knock off the protective granules that cover the surface of asphalt shingles. These granules provide UV protection and help shingles shed water. When granules are dislodged, the shingles become more vulnerable to sun damage and moisture infiltration.

3. Weakening of Shingles: Hail can weaken the structure of asphalt shingles, making them more susceptible to subsequent damage. It can fracture the shingle material, reducing its lifespan and overall durability.

4. Water Infiltration: Damaged shingles can create openings in your roof's protective barrier, allowing water to penetrate and potentially cause leaks and water damage in your home. These openings may not be immediately apparent, but they can lead to more significant problems over time.

The extent of hail damage on asphalt shingles depends on factors like the size, density, and speed of the hailstones, the age and condition of the shingles, and the angle of impact. Even small hail can cause damage if the conditions are right. After a hailstorm, it's a good idea to inspect your roof for signs of damage, such as missing granules, cracks, or dents. If you suspect your shingles have been damaged, it's essential to have a professional roofing contractor assess your roof and make any necessary repairs to maintain the integrity of your roof.


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